Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Self Worth

A friend & a mentor once told me :
" No matter how much you hate to work, work actually gives you, your self worth.
Through work, you build your self esteem. By working, you earn achievements.
If work does not exist, your life would be meaningless "

Unfortunately, what he said is true.

As i sit around at work, waiting for the next job opportunity, and it seems ages before anyone calls... i feel worthless.

As i sit around with no more passion in my current job, because of problematic clients, campaigns that do not seem to be going anywhere, and people getting more and more small minded, work comes to a standstill. I feel no pride in what i do, i feel no joy at being at work, i feel worthless.
With this, my mind wanders, i feel lifeless. I feel trap.
(Who ever said the idle mind is the devil's playground is right)

Patience is not my strength. But i know that the BIG man up there has BIG plans for me.
I just need to be still, and wait.

I hope i have work soon. Then, will i find my self worth. Then i won't feel so lifeless & trapped.

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