Restless in KL
Everyonce in a while, I am overwhelmed by the feelings of
being trapped
I envision myself in faraway places,
walking through strange lands, seeing different people different places,
being in totally new environment outside of malaysia
then i snap back to reality, only to find myself in my little cubicle at wor
my mind still wandering, my physical being here
This time my urge to get away is even stronger
with the changes in the work place
seeing my friends leaving Malaysia one by one, till there's only a handful of us left
I feel lost
I feel trap
And i wander aimlessly - my heart, my mind, in search of a solution for myself
Some say that the reason why i'm aimless is that i fail to plan ( i say i don't know what i want )
Some say, the grass is always greener on the other side (i say, if i've not tried, how would i know)
Some say it's only phase, i'll just need to find an anchor ( i say, i've found an anchor, but my anchor is like me too )
Some say "you didn't ask God, you walked your own way" ( i say, true, perhaps i'm too afraid what HE will unveil )
I'm hoping that through writing this feelings of frustrations, these feelings of reslestness & my everyday search for answers, I will eventually be at peace with myself, where ever i maybe.